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"CPR Mask" is a one-way valve mask that provides rescuer protection from victim's vomit and blood while performing CPR. It is a low-cost product that can be installed in public and private spaces to encourage more bystanders to perform CPR. The product can also be added to existing first aid kits. 

CPR Mask is easy to interpret and understand by a typical form of a surgical mask. It contains visible clues to its operation, without need for words or symbols, certainly without any need for trial and error. It provides signals that naturally indicate wearing CPR Mask just like wearing a surgical mask.

CPR MASK是一種口對口人工呼吸的輔助設備,它結合口罩與吹氣單向閥,透過戴口罩的行為投射,讓使用者易於理解其使用方式。並同時保護施救者不受各種分泌物接觸,避免造成各種傳染疾病的交替感染以提高旁觀者施救的意願。使用CPR MASK讓施救者得以在最快的時間內與安全的情況下進行施救。



洪佳豪 Hung Chia Hao



T.K. Philip Hwang


CPR Mask

國立臺北科技大學 工業設計系暨創新設計研究所 通用設計研究室 版權所有
National Taipei University of Technology Dept.

of Graduate Institute of Innovation and Design

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