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唐偉翔 Tang Wei Hsaing
蔡博安 Tsai Po-An

T.K. Philip Hwang



“Goodriver” is a car key which is combined with an alcohol detector. When a driver wants to drive a car, he needs to pass the alcohol test first by his car key, Goodriver, first. Otherwise, the key doesn’t stretch out. It can prevent drunken drivers from driving their car. Besides, if you are drunken, you can easily use “Goodriver” to call taxi for help. It can decrease possibility of traffic accidents.



iF concept award 2013

Good Driver

國立臺北科技大學 工業設計系暨創新設計研究所 通用設計研究室 版權所有
National Taipei University of Technology Dept.

of Graduate Institute of Innovation and Design

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