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Water Lock is “on” as the water flows out. Water Lock, which can be used in a bathtub, is an auto water-saving product without electricity consuming; it combines the idea of a water meter and water-saving device. Besides, it records and shows water volume at the same time. Although the user leaves, it can avoid water waste as Water Lock can be automatically “off” while the water reaches the expected water line. Thus, it would increase the awareness of water consuming as users can see the water volume by slightly pressing Water Lock. While first-time usage, users can set up the water volume while it reaches the expected water line. Afterwards, it would be automatically “off” as water reaches the line and avoid the waste. 

在水流動的瞬間,也開啟了Water Lock。 Water Lock是一款不用任何電力的自動節水產品,結合水錶概念與省水裝置,可應用在浴缸。Water Lock同時記錄與顯示已流出的水量,即使使用者離開,也能讓水流在到達目標水位時自動關閉,避免過度放水,在平時使用,只要輕輕一壓就可出水或關閉,讓使用者看到用水量,提高使用者對自身用水量的意識。第一次使用時,當水量到達目標水位,使用者可設定水量,水流到達目標用水量時自動關閉,避免使用者忘記關水,造成水資源浪費。

賴俞任 Lai Yu Ren
許瑋玲 Hsu Wei Ling
傅首僖 Fu Shou Hsi
王至維 Wang Chih Wei
陳怡安 Yian Chen
T.K. Philip Hwang


IDEA entry 2012

Water Lock

國立臺北科技大學 工業設計系暨創新設計研究所 通用設計研究室 版權所有
National Taipei University of Technology Dept.

of Graduate Institute of Innovation and Design

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